

The antenna-part of the software-radio has the structure as shown in fig. @Antenna-blowup: Common/Driver/HW/Server@ Their respective functions are as follows:


The interface of the antenna offers the following parameters to the signal-processing part:


This is the implementation of a certain way to transmit and receive samples. It has to take care about all initialisations and correct handling of all exceptions. The following drivers are functional:

Hardware or Simulation

The final part of the software-radio defines the channel. The Emul driver, for example, implements a flat single-tap channel with no noise. The Simul drivers need a channel-server that takes multiple radios together, mixes their signal, and sends back the calculated signal.

The most interesting parts are the RF and ICS hardware, because they offer a real channel to test the transmission with.


In the following table you can find a comparison of the two hardware-systems available.

Max. number of antennas 1 4
Frequency [GHz] 1.9 2.4-2.48
Bandwith [MHz] 3.8 1
Resolution 12 14


In simulation-mode, a channel-server accepts connections from different radios, as can be seen in fig. @channel-server with two radios@. The channel-server can simulate multi-tap channels and add gaussian noise to the transmitted signals. This allows for easy simulation of real-world signals, before taking the modules on the air.

Linus Gasser 2004-04-14