
Signal Processing





This section gives an overview of the module-creation and the use of it. Even though [*] gives an example of how to create a new module, it is a good idea to read at least this introduction, so that you know what it is about.

General introduction

Before a module can be used, it usually has to go through the following steps:

  1. Registration with the CDB, usually in module_init, this happens when loading the module into memory
  2. Instantiation, which means setting up the needed memory and calling init
  3. A call to reconfig to assure that everything is OK
The points 2 and 3 are done automatically when calling swr_sdb_instantiate_* and may happen more than once, where a new memory-block is allocated for each instantiation, in order to make sure that all copies of the module work in an independent way.

Once this has been done, a module can be asked to do one of the following tasks:

The names to the left are the internal names used in the module-definition. You will never call these functions directly, but rather ask the MSR to do something that will then call one of these functions. So if you reconfigure one module using swr_sdb_set_configure_int you ask the MSR to set the configuration of this module-instance to a certain value and to call the appropriate reconfig function.

Data Structures

A module has three different data-structures:

While the first two have already been discussed a bit, the third is new. It may be used for internal tables built depending on the configuration, it may contain a copy of important config-parameters or anything else needed for a module to function correctly. An important point: the private-structure is personal to each copy of the module, so it is not suited to keep 'global' options.

The config and stats structures are protected by mutexes, as they are open to all other modules to use. So in order to use a config-structure, one has first to call

swr_sdb_get_config_struct( context->id, (void**)&config ); 
before being able to use config->something. To free the structure, use

swr_sdb_free_config_struct( context->id, (void**)&config ); 
after which other modules can alos access this structure. The same goes for the stats-structure. You don't have to make this extra effort with the private-structure, as they are local to each instance anyway.

Data Types

For Config and Stats


Blocks are a defined in the following way:

typedef struct {   

  void *data;   

  int size;   

  swr_signal_type_t type; 

} block_t; 

They can be used to give a window into an internal vector. The matched-filter module for example has a block that points to the matched-filter used, so the user can see the matched-filter in real-time, using the visualisation tool.

The data pointer has to point to the vectory you want to display, size is the size in units of type, which is one of the Data-Types described in here (w/o Block, of course).


typedef struct {   

  short int real;   

  short int imag; 



typedef struct {   

  int real;   

  int imag; 



Describes one complex symbol in a special format. It is done like this:

Re_{o} & Im_{0} & -Im_{0} & Re_{0}\end{array}\end{displaymath}

The utility of this is that if we want to do a complex multiplication, we can arrange the second complex number in the following way:

Re_{o} & Im_{0} & Re_{0} & Im_{0}\end{array}\end{displaymath}

And then a special MMX-operation on these two complex numbers yields directly the result, separated into real and imaginary part. This is very useful for convolutions that need to be optimised.

Simple Data-types


Each function that is defined in a module takes at least one argument: swr_sdb_t *context In there all necessary information to distinguish one instance of another is stored. As this information may be a bit difficult to access, a lot of macros allow easy access to this information. These macros are defined in spc.h which is already included in the templates.


This function is a bit special in that it only registers the module with the CDB and doesn't do any actual signal-processing. So these are the macros you can use:

other functions

Linus Gasser 2004-04-14